Added December 12, 2015 CLINICAL CASES. By B. B. Shaha.
1. Haemoptysis, or spitting of blood from the lungs. Dyanidhi, a native of 18, had the disease in June. First of all he took no notice of it. When the disease took a serious nature he came to my dispensary and asked for some medicine. The symptoms were: Constant dry cough, high pulse, nausea, taste of blood in the mouth, evacuation streaked with blood bright and red. He was very slender and of delicate health. The cause of the disease was not known to him. A few doses of Ipecac. 6 cured him in a week and he is progressing in health.
2. Mammary Glands. — A woman of 27, mother of three children, had a sudden inflammation on her mammary gland with constant pain, part bright red, painful to touch. First Bell. 6 was administered, but to no effect. Mercurius sol. was next administered, which hardly did her good; part softened, pus began to form. The inmates of the house proposed to operate, but Hepar sulph 6, after three doses, burst the gland and the 30th potency completed the cure.
3. Hematuria (blood in urine) A native of 60 had this disease with any quantity of blood with urine. The cause was not clearly explained to me. The symptoms agreed with Cantharis, and I administered same in 6th potency, perfectly curing him in four or five days. The old man is still living.
Personal note: These psoriasis cases below are of interest to me since my husband suffered from psoriasis for several years, until he was advised by our homeopath to use Graphites 30C in 2011. The psoriasis cleared totally within a few months. (Cost = less than $20.) This is just another example illustrating that the homeopathic remedies have withstood the test of time. They are still available, still inexpensive, still non-toxic, still cure.
Source: Dr. Ernst Myssens | Translated for the Homceopathic Recorder from Journal Beige d'Homceopathie. "In this disease the remedies were given according to their special indications, being Pulsatilla 30, 200, and 1000, Borax 30, Graphites 30, 200, and 1000. External remedies were not given at all. Often the ailment disappeared after a considerable aggravation caused by the remedy.
1. A woman, twenty-one years of age, had been afflicted for several years with psoriasis guttata on the arms and legs. From July 28th to October 6th, 1898, she received Borax, then Sulphur up to February 3d, 1899. I was able to confirm her complete cure.
2. An unmarried lady, 36 years of age, had suffered for sixteen years from psoriasis on the forearms and on the lower limbs. The whole chest also was covered with spots. The hairy scalp was also seized by it, and the forehead also showed large spots of psoriasis. The treatment began on August 1st, 1898. Borax caused a severe aggravation. Sulphur 200, of which three doses were given, caused a considerable improvement. On October 6th the breast and the head were perfectly free from spots; but there remained a strong inclination on the head to form dandruff. On the forearm new spots kept forming. This tendency was diminished by doses of Sulphur and Pulsatilla given at long intervals. The patient is still under treatment to guard against a relapse.
3. A school girl, of 13 years, suffered from psoriasis on the knees and elbows. She began her treatment on February 13th, 1899. Pulsatilla 30, 200 and 1000 produced a fearful aggravation. The whole body, especially also the forearms and legs are covered with spots which keep scaling off. The aggravation was successfully combated with Borax 30. Then Pulsatilla 30 and 200 produced a complete cure, which I was enabled to verify by inspection on Jan. 26th, 1900.
4. A woman, aged 38, was suffering from psoriasis guttata. Her treatment began on July 26th, 1899. Pulsatilla 30, 200 and 1000, Graphites 30, 200 and 1000 overcame the ailment, which showed itself perfectly cured on November 29th, 1899."
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