The FREE PDF version of "Homeopathy Beyond Flat Earth Medicine" by Timothy R. Dooley, N.D., M.D. is available for you to download HERE

There is an excellent informative slide show about homeopathic medicine HERE

There are at least 100 homeopathic study groups throughout the United States. These groups are sanctioned by the National Center for Homeopathy and are formed to share their experiences with the use of homeopathic remedies. To form your own group, or join one in your area, see THIS PAGE  Scroll down page to locate a group in your State.

December 14, 2012

I found a site with links to free homeopathic medical journals to read online. The link is HERE

A FREE homeopathic self-study short course book in PDF format can be downloaded from HERE

For vaccination liberation and exemption information, including forms to use by each U.S. State, (published by the Vaccination Liberation Organization on the internet) click HERE

October 6, 2012

If you would like to narrow your search for the right homeopathic remedy, the ABC homeopathy site has an easy remedy finder for you to try. The instructions for using it can be found

September 30, 2012

Visit Homeopathy World Community

September 26, 2012

Natural News Radio has lots of informative radio shows. Shows related to vaccinations and parents' rights are HERE

September 16, 2012
To view and download a full color full page printable color tooth organ meridian chart click HERE


  1. Homeopathy is an alternative powerful treatment without any side effect. Homeopathy is getting popular worldwide slowly.

  2. Thank you for adding the Free courses and free pdf study notes with resources..
    Swayam free Course
